Zonguldak Additional Works Solid Waste Disposal Facility

  • Anahtar Atanmadı Zonguldak Special Administrative and Municipal Environmental Infrastructure Services Union
  • Anahtar Atanmadı Zonguldak Additional Works Solid Waste Disposal Facility
  • Anahtar Atanmadı 08/09/2011
  • Anahtar Atanmadı 23/11/2012
  • Anahtar Atanmadı Zonguldak, the Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization
  • Anahtar Atanmadı ZONÇEB

Within the scope of the Project;  the incomplete berms production and coating with isolation material of the berm surfaces have been completed. By this way, the storage volume has been massively increased. The construction of a storage basin made of concrete has been completed in order to control and store the leachate in the facility. The constructions of roads to the facility constructed. A new solid waste transfer station has been built whereas the existing transfer stations in the districts of Karadon, Çaycumaand Kilimli have been revised and field concrete slab, weighbridge and bunkers have been reconstructed.