Rehabilitation of the Unsanitary Dumpsite in Tokat

  • Anahtar Atanmadı Tokat Municipality
  • Anahtar Atanmadı Rehabilitation of the Unsanitary Dumpsite in Tokat
  • Anahtar Atanmadı 12.05.2017
  • Anahtar Atanmadı 07.04.2018
  • Anahtar Atanmadı
  • Anahtar Atanmadı

The works carried out within the scope of the project are as follows:

- Waste Excavation, Transportation, Laying and Compression

- Vegetation Soil Stripping Excavation and Transportation

- Site Excavation and Filling

- Road Construction

- Isolation Material Installation to Have Impermeable Layer in Ground

- Leachate System and Leachate Pond Construction

- Surface Water Drainage System

- Gas Wells and Biofilter Construction

- Observation Well Construction

- Fence and Double Wing Door Construction

- Top Covering System 

- Landscaping