Tajikistan Nurek Design and Build of a New Sanitary Landfill and of the Remediation and Closure of Existing Disposal Site

  • Anahtar Atanmadı Department of Housing and Common Services of Nurek City
  • Anahtar Atanmadı Tajikistan Nurek Design and Build of a New Sanitary Landfill and of the Remediation and Closure of Existing Disposal Site
  • Anahtar Atanmadı 19.11.2018
  • Anahtar Atanmadı 22.07.2020
  • Anahtar Atanmadı IC Infrastructure Consulting Gmbh
  • Anahtar Atanmadı European Union

The contract for our "Design and Construction of a New Landfill and Improvement and Closure of the Existing Disposal Site" with the tender registration number NSW-OT-W01 was signed on 19.11.2018.

Within the scope of the project following works; 

       Design works,

       Excavation and filling works,

       Base and slope lining,

       Leachate water collection system

       Leachate water pond,

       Closure of old dumpsite and construction of new dumpsite,

       Gas connection system

       Flare unit,

       Compost area, weigh bridge and and other