Capacity Improvement of Sanitary Landfill in Cyprus

  • Anahtar Atanmadı The European Union represented by the European Commission
  • Anahtar Atanmadı Capacity Improvement of Sanitary Landfill in Cyprus
  • Anahtar Atanmadı 15.01.2018
  • Anahtar Atanmadı 22.02.2021
  • Anahtar Atanmadı IDOM & Louis Berger Consortium
  • Anahtar Atanmadı European Union

EuropeAid / 137466 / DH / WKS / CY, 'Regular Storage Facility Capacity Increase Work / CYPRUS' project contract has been signed on 06.12.2017. The construction of Cell-2 was completed on 15.08.2018 and the partial acceptance was officially completed on 10.09.2018. In addition, the wheel washing unit recirculation system and related treatment units, gabion walls and landfill works in the south of the embankment, leachate evaporation pond construction, rainwater drainage system construction around the administration buildings and mechanical works related to the gas flare unit were completed. The construction of other works within the scope of the project continues.