Upon signature of the contract on 20.10.2010, the job commenced at 22.10.2010.
Within the scope of the work; control canals around the lot, surface water drainage canals, bracing canals, leakage drainage canals and leakage water balancing pool construction, construction of the administrative building, accommodating maintenance building, security control unit, weighbridge, water tank and generator building, construction of cesspits, cell type transformer building, waste batteries temporary storage area, facility protection fence (encircling the site entirely as well as around the leakage water pool), forestation work. Firewater lines and recirculation pumps (hydrants and fire cabins) have been installed into their respective locations all around the lot. Installation of the leakage water circulation line and circulation pumps into their respective and proper locations has been satisfactorily completed. The application of geosynthetic clay was completed and laying of 2 mm HDPE membrane and geotextile for the purpose of ensuring Lot 1 bottom and bevel impermeability were also completed successfully.
Works for construction of a PTL (power transmission line) from Ankara – Çankırı Highway to the facility area have been completed. Likewise, on-site illumination and building electrical works, as well as works for installation of the generator had been brought to successful completion.
After provisional acceptance operations were completed on 15.07.2011, the Project was handed over to Çankırı Local Administrations Environmental Services Union on 15.07.2011