Rehabilitation of Unauthorized Waste Fields around Baku City in Azerbaijan

  • Anahtar Atanmadı Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan Republic
  • Anahtar Atanmadı Rehabilitation of Unauthorized Waste Fields around Baku City in Azerbaijan
  • Anahtar Atanmadı 06/08/2012
  • Anahtar Atanmadı 25/05/2013
  • Anahtar Atanmadı Fichtner Gmbh
  • Anahtar Atanmadı The World Bank

The project for the "Rehabilitation Of Unauthorized Dump Sites Around The City Of Baku Azerbaijan" which started on date 06.08.2012 was tendered by the Republic of Azerbaijan Ministry of Economic Development, financed by the World Bank and was made available to the administration on date 26.04.2013, 3 months before the completion date. 

Domestic wastes in the number of 41 sites observed in the Capital City of Baku and its surroundings and hazardous wastes in Balakhani were transferred to the disposal plants in Sumgayit within the scope of the project and wastes were removed from these sites. The sites that were handed over to the relevant municipality/regional authorities.